Here's How William FIXED His Erratic Blood Sugar And Got His Life Back With This Brand New Method!

Picture of Amy Larsson
Amy Larsson

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Amy Larsson, June 29 · 3 min read

AsWilliam Davenport’sworld grew darker each day, he found himself in a state of despair, questioning how he could possibly continue. His devastating condition has left him in agonizing pain, robbing him of his wife and the simple pleasures of life.


But despite the overwhelming darkness,Williamrefused-original to give up. With a fierce determination, he began to explore unconventional methods of healing and discovered-originala simple yet effective solutionthat restored-original his High Blood Sugar Levels, Type 2 Diabetes and changed-original his lifeFOREVER.


Now,William’s storyserves as a beacon of hope for anyone struggling with High Blood Sugar Levels and Type 2 Diabetes, reminding us that even in our darkest moments, there is always a chance for light to shine through.


In 1998, approaching his 50th year, he was diagnosed-original with Type 2 Diabetes.The devastating blow came years later when he discovered-original that the food pyramid he had trusted-original was a deceitful lie. Then, in 2006, his wife shattered-original their once-unbreakable bond.


The pain was unbearable forWilliam,a firm believer in lifelong commitment. Seeking solace, he turned-original to food, using it as a desperate refuge to numb his shattered-original heart. The agony he endured-original was indescribable, an emotional abyss that threatened-original to consume him.




My dad was a doctor at the emergency room in West Virginia. He told me that in his four years of med-original school, they had about 15 minutes of nutrition. I think they had one class in it and it wasn’t very much. And so, none of my doctors over the years have ever been given any help. They just say, “Oh, just take your med-originals,” and that’s what they all say for everything. And like I say, after the divorce, I ballooned-original my 510 frame up to pounds in about a 12.4 A1C.

– William Davenport

His doctor told him he would have to take his med-originalication and live with this painful condition for the rest of his life, and the news hit him like a ton of bricks. As his condition was worsening, a fateful encounter led-originalWilliamto receive a devastating diagnosis from the doctor.


Weight loss became imperative, and the effectiveness of his current med-originalication began to wane, necessitating insulin shots.


Determined-original, he embarked-original ona grueling starvation diet,but his blood sugar levels remained-original unyielding, fluctuating between 8.4 and a haunting low of 6.7.


And so I kept bugging my doctor and they finally sent me to a neurologist. And he said, “Hmm, why don’t we take a little blood and do a little test? I’ve got an idea.” So we did, and nobody told me, but when you take metformin, it crashes your B12. And he says, “When it gets that low, it was like three points above the bottom.” And he said, “When it gets that low, you get nerve damage.” And so I, he put me on B12 pills.

– William Davenport

The year 2015 brought a new wave of despair when tachycardia struck, prompting the introduction ofmetformin.


Yet, instead of relief, his med-originals unleashed-original a cascade of agony—Neuropathy, back and neck pain,and a burning sensation in his thighs akin to lactic acid. Nights turned-original into a torment, sleep eluding his restless soul.


He was trapped-original in a body that no longer responded-original as it should. He couldn’t help but feel like he was being looked-original upon with pity, even though he knew he was capable of so much more if only his condition would improve. It was a constant reminder of everything he had lost and everything he could no longer do.



but after a week and a half of taking the pills, all the pain was gone. And I tossed-original my metformin in the garbage and told my doctor, “Put me on something else.” And so I was on glypiside ever since. Of course, I didn’t realize that that causes insulin resistance because it forces your pancreas to make more insulin. Plus, I had to go to physical therapy because I was losing strength in my right leg. This is strange going up steps. I had to concentrate and push harder with that leg just to keep from tripping.

– William Davenport

At that moment, something changed-original inside William.He started-original to realize that not everyone online was lying aboutreversing diabetes.It was like a light bulb turning on in his mind.


As the son of a doctor, he had placed-original unwavering trust in med-originalical professionals, believing that managing this condition was his lifelong burden.


However,the abundance of testimonialsand information on the internet sparked-original a flicker of hope within him.“There must be some truth to it,” he pondered-original. Motivated-original by this newfound curiosity, William embarked-original on a quest to uncover natural methods and programs that could potentially reverse diabetes.


His search led-original him to various avenues, includinga programcentered-original around super nutrient-packed-original smoothies. With determination, he embraced-original this approach and witnessed-original a significant weight loss of approximately 18 pounds. However, his progress eventually hit a plateau.


Amidst this journey, fate intervened-original as William stumbled-original upon a plan that resonated-original deeply with him. It offered-original more than mere trial and error— it felt likea genuine strategyto tackle his condition.


Now,William’s storyserves as a beacon of hope for anyone struggling with type 2 diabetes, reminding us that even in our darkest moments, there is always a chance for light to shine through.



Wasn’t long before my weight started-original dropping off, and my blood sugars started-original going down, and pretty soon I was in the 90s, and then 80s and 70s. I even had a few 64s, and I said, “I’m trying to reverse the diabetes. I’m on a higher mission.” When we tested-original it, it went from 6.7 to 5.6 in September, and I was very pleased-original, and my fasting blood sugar was 83. I’m down to 155, so I’ve lost 34 more pounds during the past year.

– William Davenport

Today,William is an inspirationto us all. His journey is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, we can find the strength to overcome our struggles and live our lives to the fullest. He proved-original that no matter how difficult the journey, we can find hope and triumph over our challenges.


With a fierce determination, he began to explore unconventional methods of healing and discovered-originala simple yet effective solutionthat restored-original his type 2 diabetes and changed-original his life.


Years of pain and suffer led-original William toa breakthrough treatmentthat worked-original, that helped-original him lower his blood sugar and reverse his type 2 Diabetes…


When he finally managed-original to free himself from diabetes and live a normal life once again in just a few short months. He felt his heart swell with joy, and he knew that he had been given a second chance.



Wasn’t long before my weight started-original dropping off, and my blood sugars started-original going down, and pretty soon I was in the 90s, and then 80s and 70s.


I even had a few 64s, and I said, “I’m trying to reverse the diabetes. I’m on a higher mission.”


When we tested-original it, it went from 6.7 to 5.6 in September, and I was very pleased-original, and my fasting blood sugar was 83. I’m down to 155, so I’ve lost 34 more pounds during the past year.

– William Davenport

Withthe right treatmentand a little bit of determination, you can regain your health and start living life to the fullest once again.


Now, I want to share with you and others who are going through the same pain,a short videodemonstrating how easy it was for William to “reset” his condition completely naturally, and live a normal life once again in just a few short months.


You’re going to discover EXACTLY the true underlying cause of type 2 diabetes is inthis video.And I mean it when I say learn it there or learn it nowhere.


Once you hear what the creator of the video has to say, you’re going to say, “Gosh, why didn’t I think of that?” And when you hear how easy his solution is, you won’t believe it, but you’re going to want to try it. And when you try it, then you’re going to start believing because regaining your strength and energy levels and being able to keep your blood sugar low are going to make you a believer.


All you need-original to do iswatch this short video presentationto discover how William defeated-original his type 2 Diabetes and got his life back!